FENGYUN-3F in official operation to carry out global integrated observation of the earth-atmosphere system
Source:Author:     Issued Date:2024-07-03

On July 1, 2024, FENGYUN-3F meteorological satellite (hereinafter referred to as "FY-3F") was officially put into operation. On June 28, FY-3F passed the summary review and service trial operation of the ground and application system in-orbit testing, and catered to the conditions for the official operation.

It is the 7th satellite in the FY-3 series and the third sun-synchronous morning orbit satellite among the FY family. It was successfully launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on August 3, 2023.

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In-orbit layout of FY family. Source: National Satellite Meteorological Centre (NSMC)

Equipped with 10 operationalinstruments, FY-3F can observe the global atmosphere and surface environment through full-spectrum, hyperspectral and quantitative observation, and at the same time, greatly ramp up the observation accuracy of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature and humidity, atmospheric trace gases and earth radiation budget energy. After its operation, it will take over the FT-3C to carry out the integrated observation of the global earth and atmospheric system.

During the in-orbit testing and trial operation, the satellite-Earth system of FY-3F has operated stably and is in good condition, and the testing has proceeded smoothly. FY-3F has played a role in the monitoring services of weather processes such as the large-scale snowfall in eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, northern North and Northeast Northwest China in late January 2024, as well as the heavy snowfall in Xinjiang and the recent heavy precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

FY-3F will form networking operation with other in-orbit FY satellites soon, giving full play to the advantages of the coordinated observation, and underpinning precise monitoring services.

Editor: LIU Shuqiao
